(no subject)

Oct 05, 2010 11:40

"October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide recently due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that's exactly what we'd like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality"

This is, one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Before I start, let me first say: I don't give a shit about your opinion just like you shouldn't give a shit about my following one: if you don't like it, then don't fucking read it. I'm not forcing you to, I'm just ranting.
I am not a gay-basher. I don't hate gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc etc. I don't care who you think about, date, marry or have a one night fling with in college because you were drunk and you've always wanted to--It's A.) None of my fucking business, and B.) Not my concern; Frankly I don't give a flying fuck who does what with their personal life.
First off, "...there are people all over this planet who die, everyday, clawing onto their very last breathe, people who have nothing to live for: no family, no friends, no money, NOTHING, and they fight tooth and nail to live to their very last moment. If your life means so little to you, then don't expect it to mean shit to anyone else. How do you expect your life to mean anything to us if you don't even give a shit about it? If you want your life to be valuable to others, then it has to be valuable to you first."
This wasn't one, or two, or even three kids. This was six boys. They weren't completely alone in the world. They didn't lack anyone to fight for. There were six people going through the same situation TOGETHER, regardless of their location. This leads me to believe that SOMEWHERE in the world, they had a reason not to give up.

"Well then, you sir are an ass. You are the type that fosters bullying in the first place. Have a nice life, representing nothing but your own homophobic issues."

No, you sir are an retard.
You think anyone gives a shit about my opinion any more than yours? You could find 10,000 people to agree with your side and I could find 10,001 just to spite you. It doesn't make either of us any more fucking right.
"Such an astounding leap. Yes, because I disagree with the need to idolize some gay kids who killed themselves, I must be a homophobic gay basher." I don't condone bullying, but we all know the only reason this stuff has been on the news is the fact that they are gay. With six straight kids committing suicide from bullying, you would have never even heard about it (average death rate of suicide in the U.S.A. as of 2004 was almost 89 [88.6 total PER DAY] ).

"Oh, well, it is about the fact that the kids were gay. If they had been being bullied because they were fat or nerdy or anything else, they could have gotten support from family, friends, the school, etc. but, because they were gay that institutional support was missing. All bullying is not the same."

Of COURSE all bullying isn't the same you dumbshit. You think gays are the only problem huh? I'm sure no parent or friends have ever blamed nerdyness on someones inability to put themselves out there: to get out of their basement world and socialize, "It's your fault you're the way you are."
It's the same with being overweight, "It's your fault that you're overweight. You eat unhealthy and you don't exercise and you spend all day sitting in a chair on a computer, of course you're going to be overweight." How that is any different from "It's your fault you're gay. You like other men / women, when you don't have to, it's your choice" is completely BEYOND me, regardless if any of those three examples WERE a choice.
Hey, maybe you chose to be a nerd because that's what you've always wanted to be, the best at Halo or WoW or whatever the else fuck you decided. Maybe you wanted to be fat, maybe you've always dreamed of being a sumowrestler but you don't have the money to go to Japan.
Or maybe either of those were beyond your control. Maybe you're a nerd because that's how your mind works: Because those things (video games, internet, computers, technology in fucking general) interest you more than anything else and you excel at them. Maybe you're fat because you can't afford better or healthier meals, or don't have time to exercise between work and the kids. Maybe you're gay because that's how you were born and you can't change it. Who the fuck CARES what your reason is, everyone and everything is going to be hated by SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE at SOMETIME, REGARDLESS of whether or not it was a choice or a decision.

These kids, these teens, these adults, whether gay or not, think that they're alone. Wearing purple is going to bring awareness when people come into social contact and others ask them, "Oh, why are you wearing purple, such and such?" "Well, so and so, I'm wearing purple to bring awareness of..." and it continues from there. Who or what is this bringing awareness to, exactly? The gays that are being bullied? Those that think they're alone in the struggle? Or maybe gay rights in general?

Reading from the Facebook page dedicated to the event ( http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=165242526824205&ref=ts ), we have the following:

Tyler Clementi: Age eighteen, a student in college. ( http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2010/10/rutgers_student_tyler_clementi_4.html ) You're not going to tell me he thought he was completely alone in the fight or wasn't old enough to make, as it's said, "a permanent solution to a temporary problem".

Seth Walsh: Age thirteen, a student in middle school. ( http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20018025-504083.html ). It says he's thirteen and was bullied for years. This is a case to bring awareness to: several years means middle school to elementary school (most likely). At that (those) age(s), you will probably think you're alone, and obviously don't realize the importance of fighting through it (we all remember our middle school years).

Justin Aaberg: Age fifteen, a student in high school. ( http://wcco.com/health/glbt.teen.suicide.2.1910636.html ). Okay, there are so many debatable situations with this kid. First off, this article (it should be noted I'm reading more than one before typing) and the others like it mention that he came out to his mom at the age of thirteen. He had SOMEONE in his life to talk to about it (again, debatable whether or not she was thick, didn't like to talk about it, they weren't close, etc. etc.). Secondly, he had just broken up with his partner (again let's consider that for any gender with any other gender, not specifically gay or lesbian couples). Third, and finally, he was fifteen, early in high school. How mature he was is something to bring into question.

Raymond Chase: Age nineteen, a student in college. ( http://www.advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2010/10/01/Suicide_Takes_Life_of_Gay_RI_Student/ ), ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/01/raymond-chase-suicide_n_746989.html ), (a little more personal   http://www.autostraddle.com/19-year-old-gay-college-student-raymond-chase-commits-suicide-1152/ ). The reason I post these three links is, he's seemingly happy, he has lots of friends, he's nineteen, and the cause of his death is still unknown.
Let me restate: he is, in fact, gay, and he did, in fact, commit suicide, but the cause of killing himself, is NOT KNOWN. Why even bring him into the mix of gay / bisexual suicide prevention and awareness if THE CAUSE OF DEATH HAS NOT EVEN BEEN DISCOVERED YET? It COULD be because of gay hatred but it COULD be many other things as well. He should not even be on the list as of now.

Asher Brown: Age thirteen, a student in middle school. ( http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7220896.html ). Okay, he was thirteen years old, gay, and lived in Texas. There's really nothing else to go into here.

Finally we have Billy Lucas: Age fifteen, a student in high school. ( http://www.wthr.com/story/13147899/bullying-may-have-pushed-15-year-old-to-suicide ), ( http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/news/local/east_central/teen-suicide-victim-hangs-himself-from-barn-rafters ). I should note in both articles it's said he is picked on for being gay but hadn't admitted to actually being a homosexual. So, maybe he was gay, maybe he was bi. But, maybe he was straight and those were just the insults stupid middle and early high schoolers used on him.

Done with that.

So, do their ages make a difference in the fact that (most of them, at least) they were bullied, and how harsh it was? Yes, and no.

Yes: When you're young, you're also stupid and immature; this goes for both the bullies and victims. You don't understand things as well. You don't realize that your life isn't the world and you also don't realize that things will get better eventually and the current going-ons aren't as bad as they may seem (in the majority of cases). Bullies sometimes get worse with age, and sometimes grow out of it and realize how fucking ignorant they are.

No: You're going to get bullied many times in your life regardless of age or sexuality. Your age may or may not influence how you take the bullying, and your sexuality may or may not influence what bullying you receive. How you're bullied also depends on age and sexuality, yes. The scale changes as you (and they) get older, again, sometimes worse, and sometimes not as bad.
So then, what is the purple wearing bringing attention to?
The fact that six teenagers died.
Some died from bullying from being gay. Some were gay and bullied (the two not necessarily tied). One never even said he was gay but was bullied for it anyway.
I will find purple articles of clothing. I will wear them on October 20th. But understand, it's not for gay rights. It's for the fact that bullying exists everywhere (and always will, unfortunately).

To whoever reads this, if you DO INDEED DECIDE OF YOUR OWN ACCORD to read this, feel free to go fangirl raging elsewhere about how stupid, thick-headed and prejudice me and my opinions are because your opinions elsewhere just prove your hypocrisy.

I look forward to comments of those that have read and that comprehend my entire rant, regardless if they're comments in disagreement.

Haters gonna hate. Peace out~
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