(they were sitting in front of us..great view huh?)
8=> Watched my first Ms. Pacificana pageant last night with Alexandra, Nic's Mom, and a bunch of her friends. Sat in the "Prefferred Seating" section, not as good as "VIP" but better than genereal seating.
Boy was it a crazy atmosphere.First off, as you walk in there are people having some dance sex on stage, second there are gay couples everywhere on top of that , the room is filled with transvs/drags from left to right. haha.man. all you here is me and alex saying " is that a guy..no wait that's a girl... NO ITS A GUY..ewww" a homophobic would have shot himself. but shoot, i had fun. thanks for coming alexandra!
ms. guam won, tina turner, shakira, and the pussycat dolls were there, the show was a bit long, but great other wise.
Nic's mom & Myself
..a few drags here and there
..waiting in line
..justy was there too
..and another one.