Dec 31, 2008 08:43
Now some of you may have realised we have been a bit quiet recently...
Well, this is partly because we have been hatching a sneekret plan. It's taking many months of planning and preparation, but finally the day is here, and WE'VE DONE IT!!!!
We managed to infiltrate our mum's werk! For a long time now, we've been mystified as to where our mum goes every day and why on earth she goes there instead of spending every day with us. So we hatched a sneaky plan and hopped in the tin box on wheels this morning as she was leaving. She was pretty suprised to see us when she got into her office. But not as suprised as her colleagues are going to be when they arrive in a few minutes time....
he he he
We will try to keep you updated on our investygayshon!