Two Job Offers in One Day!

Nov 12, 2010 22:58

Work and work

I know it's too early to share, but I have an interview Monday for a full time job!! The woman who called me was from a campus located in Dearborn on Outer Drive, which I think it like an ITT institute type of school. Anyway, they're looking for a secretary, which I can totally handle, and it would be 9-5 every day. I'm not sure how much the pay would be, but even if it's not much, the hours will make it all add up. My fingers are crossed that I get the job. Please cross yours as well. =)

If I do get the job, it'll mean that I can start the process of trying to buy a house in Dearborn. I've narrowed my choices down to two places that I like very much, but I haven't followed up on because of my dad's attitude about finding a better job. By the way, instead of congratulating me on nabbing an interview, he shrugged and said, "I guess you need a job in this recession, even if it's not a job you can advance in." Asshole.

I hope that they'll be able to tell me right after the interview if I got it or not, because I actually also got another job offer from an ad I responded to on craigslist. It seems legit to me, but I'm still not entirely sure. You can't always trust craigslist. So, I'm hoping I'll be able to decline that job offer for the campus one.

There isn't really anything else I wanted to say, and I probably shouldn't have even talked about this job so soon, but what the hell. I'm excited. I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up, but I really really really want/need this to work out. Especially since my stock job is slowing down considerably and I'm not sure how long I will even be employed there anymore since it seems like everyone else can do my job instead. As a certain bitchy lead told me: "Honey, you're lucky they even kept you on this pay period."
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