Dec 18, 2004 04:33
so, i havn't updated in about a month, so i figured that this was an interesting enough subject to update on. i got my surgery today and it went well. the only part that sucked was the IV, but the nurse who did it was really nice and told me what was going on as it happened. i had to have an EKG done too, but that wasn't a big deal except that people kept comming in and out of the room like it was no big deal and i really wanted privacy considering i had to get topless and the surgeon was an eye surgeon, not an MD - so it wasn't like "oh, he's a doctor, they see boobs all the time". it was like "no, this is a creepy old guy who i think doesn't like me very much." i don't remember going under, but i remember waking up going "hey, where the fuck am i? what the fuck is going on?" and the nurse was all like "laura, you're in a hospital and you need to calm down - here suck on this oxygen tube" and i remember just being really freaked out, and then i felt really irritated and pissed off. my poor mom and granny had to deal with me. but seriously, i have the best mom in the world. she knows i hate christmas music, and i know she hates my music, but she let me listen to a burnt c-d i made for the ride home. my mom's pretty conservative so it was really cool of her. she didn't even skp the song when "MTV makes me wanna smoke crack" came on. then came home and i can't really walk straght. and i've kinda been sleeping since then....okay - i just threw up. i feel like i'm getting into character for bend. that's the 2nd time i thew up today and i just wanna be all like "it's ok, happens all the time" i'm saving my script bottles for far i have 3. if anyone else wants to donate empty script bottles, that'd be aweosme. heheh, fill 'em up with pez. well, i updated a lot, but i think i should try to sleep considereing i have family comming over tomarrow. the only reason i'm up now, is 'cause i've been down since about noon. i've woken up a couple times since then, but yea. that's what drugs do!
well, if you're still reading this...g'night!