Aug 11, 2006 13:25
I woke up at 8:30 this morning. I guess you wake up at those times during the weekends whenever you go to sleep by 12. Not that I necessarily chose to do that…I’m restricted to the house for the weekend (once again) because I came home passed curfew. Now you’re probably wondering one of two things: (1) Why do you constantly stay out passed curfew when you know you’ll get in trouble? or (2) Why do you still have a curfew?
I do not have a complete and satisfactory answer for either question. Moving on…
The last time I actually wrote in my LJ was May 11. That was quite some time ago. And, just like every other time I wait this long to update, a lot of shit has gone on in my life. For future reference, if I’m not updating, it’s probably because I’m too distracted by the events at hand. Give me a call or send me an IM/email to figure out what’s going on. When life gets hectic, I have a tendency to focus only on those individuals involved in the business. For that I am sorry (in case anyone reading this feels as if I’ve neglected them within the last 3 months).
I finished my second year of college. It still boggles even my mind. I would say that I ended the year with a bang, but I’ve always felt that “bang” implies a positive thing. Being that I finished out the year with a new level of negativity, what should I call it? An implosion, perhaps? Anyways, I finished the year in an academic slump due to an emotional slump. Grades go as follows:
Spring Quarter 2006:
Spanish 2: A-
Psychology 100A: F
Linguistics 103: Withdraw
Exciting, huh? Well this mishap caused me to reexamine my life in many ways for many reasons. I was a Linguistics/Psych major (and, according to UCLA, I still am). Now I have to say that my profound love for language makes me a good candidate to be a Ling major, my disinterest in speech pathology and graduate study in the field made it a very impractical thing to commit to. Thus I have decided to switch majors (once again) to Sociology. I’ve always been interested in human behavior and interaction, and I’ve always held on to the belief that everything we do, believe, think, and feel in life is a social construct. So I get to study something that stimulates me while attaining a degree which is more practical.
In order to distract my self from my academic and emotional troubles, I became very involved with the Undergraduate Student Association’s annual elections. I met a lot of people and formed some bonds. I look forward to having a very busy extra-curricular schedule next year along with my academic responsibilities. I hope to be active in our External Vice President’s office along with heading up A-QUEST with Jenn. The president of out Latino American Student Association wants me to get involved with her org. I also might be finally dipping my toes into PBL and our symphonic band (maybe…).
But the end of the year left me with the need to make up for my shortcomings. I’m attending summer school at UCLA. We’re in our second session, and this is how things are going so far:
Summer 2006:
Psychology 100A: B
Sociology 1: B
The way the UCLA system works is that you’re allowed to make up three very bad grades. As longs as you make them up, the bad grades will not be factored into your GPA. So I’ve got that covered. I’m also well on my way to my BA in Sociology. Right now I’m taking Sociology 20: Introduction to Research Methods in Sociology. I’m also putting in about 27 hours a week at my UCLA job and I just got a weekend job at DSW Shoe Warehouse in Downey. So I guess you can say I’m keeping myself busy. As for Fall Quarter, here’s what I’ve got planned:
Fall 2006:
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences 3: Intro to Atmospheric Environment
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences 3L: Intro to Atmospheric Environment Lab
Music History 60: American Musical
Sociology 101: Development of Sociological Theory
Speech 1: Principles of Oral Communication
So things are looking up in that aspect of my life…
This entry has a part 2…and most likely a part 3…but I’m beginning to get blogger’s fatigue. I’ll put if off. For now. Just for now.