Nov 17, 2007 12:49
turns out it is not my responsibility to:
pay for your shit just because you don't feel like it
pretend you're in the right when you're not
make you do your work and go to class
be mature and reasonable if you refuse to do the same
monitor your drug and alcohol consumption, unless you request it
try to maintain our friendship without your help
apologize, incessantly, for things i have not done wrong
continue to excuse your actions and make allowances for your unacceptable behavior
so, if you would, please get off your high fucking horse and realize you maybe aren't quite perfect. i understand that you feel compelled to overcompensate for what i'm assuming is insecurity with arrogance, pretension, and a sense of entitlement never before seen to mankind, but give it a break, would ya? i like you for who you are without the constant posturing and proclaimed elitism. really. just knock it off because this bullshit is draining.
p.s. in real life i'm not as angry as this post may indicate. it is also not directed at any one person in particular, but rather a number of my so-called friends who've taken it upon themselves to get on my goddamn nerves this past week.