Observation of the day

Sep 07, 2004 16:42

College so far is just high school on crack.
I mean, I look around in all my classes and see all the same types I did back in Concord, so the only conclusion I can draw is that the next few years will be just me doing my thing and not having anyone to do it with. I'm not sure what I expected college to be, but some part of me is disappointed. And, just like high school, I didn't study hardly any for the Government quiz we had today and relied on my bull-shit ability to see me through. I don't think that'll get me very far though....
My classes are starting to get challenging, what with all the reading I have to do AND the understanding of the reading and the homework assignments that are starting to trickle in, I'm afraid I may not have room for a life even if I had one. I can't even blame it on anyone but myself, and that's what REALLY sucks.

I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to hang out with everyone this weekend, but I WILL be back for my birthday weekend, so can we plan for stuff then? I want to see all my friends and family, but I don't know how I'll squeeze everyone into the two days. I'll try though, but please don't hold it against me alright? I love and miss all you guys.

Cassandra brought food and drinks for the refrigerator, so now I can eat cookies and stuff when the Dining Commons is closed. Last night she drove me to Taco Bell at almost 11 p.m. because I had missed dinner! That's sooo cool! I'm glad to have her as a roommate. ^_^
Also yesterday, Aunt Jackie dropped off my portable radio/CD player, so now I have music in the background. Hooray!
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