
May 10, 2004 19:14

First off, sorry it's been another week since I've updated. But I've seriously had NO TIME, and after this update you'll know why.
Oh, and I'm sorry I called Anthony a bastard in my last post. He's not a bastard. I've met his dad. *nod*

First order of business: Senior Ball was on Friday!!! ^___^ And now it's over. o.O It took what seems like forever to prepare for it, and now it's done and gone. I'm in that Prom let-down mode, but I had so much fun it doesn't really matter.
That day I could barely concentrate on ANYTHING besides Ball-related matters, so the school day is pretty much a blur. I had an appointment for my hair, makeup, and nails at 2, so once 4th got out I rushed home, took a quick shower, and went over there. The Paris Beauty School's organization pretty much sucks, but I got my up-do done (more on that later), and my makeup and nails too, so I won't complain. And it was done quick too; it all took about two hours, which is VERY good.
My hair was...."intricate" is a good word. Basically the lady (Annie, a Spanish woman who jabbered with her fellow spanish friends the whole time) took my hair and divided it into three sections, with the middle section being the biggest. With the middle she pulled it into a tight ponytail (I assume. The front section was thrown over my face so I couldn't see what she was doing.) and then curled and gelled and pinned it into a large mass of intricate, interlocking curls. With the botton section she parted down the middle, then twisted and gelled and pinned it up around the middle section, and with the front section she parted it off to my right side in this "domino" part then gelled and pinned it underneath the middle section behind my ears. At first, since I couldn't see, I didn't know what the HELL she was doing and so my insecurities and doubts and fears started running wild. I was thinking things like "Oh God, it'll look horrible!", but those disappeared when I saw the final result. Nice.
This girl named Valerie did my makeup, and she was UBER-COOL! She complimented me on my skin, which flattered me a lot since I put a lot of care and effort into it, and also on my eyelashes. And my teeth. (God, I'm pathetically easy to flatter.) She talked me into wearing red lipstick AND blush, two things I never even ATTEMPT to apply under normal circumstances.
But this was for Senior Ball, and I knew I had to look spectacular for Anthony AND also to impress his friends, so I swallowed any misgivings and let her put them on. She said I looked beautiful. Her friend said I looked beautiful. Anthony when he saw me said I looked beautiful. So, I guess I looked beautiful. (I honestly never think I look beautiful, but those girls are training to make people look good so I suppose I'll believe them. Just this once.)
Well, I got home around....4 something, and I had to be at Ryan's house by 5:45, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I'd bought everything I needed-including a strapless bra and a thong-so I just needed to dress and go. I got to Ryan's house on time, and his date, Carrie, showed up not even two minutes after I did. Miguel and Janet, the other people in our limo, arrived after the limo did sometime after 6. Anthony was already there when I showed up, in his zoot suit, smiling at me in that way that he does, and I knew everything was going to be okay.
Seriously, Anthony looked GOOD. No, good doesn't describe the just....gah! I can't even begin! Maybe it's cause he's my boyfriend and I automatically think he's the most gorgeous guy in the universe, but he's the most gorgeous guy in the universe. I mean it, REALLY. But enough mushy-gushy stuff (for now anyways).
He gave me the corsage that cost him $30.00, with the five red roses, pearl trim and black lace, and if I hadn't thought Ball was going to be a night to remember already, right about then was when I'd really think it. He got his boutinear (sp?) free from the flower place, and for some reason I cannot imagine, that one flower with the two pins took us half the night to figure out.
Once everyone was assembled, and all the pictures were taken by assorted family (mostly Carrie's, and Ryan's mom too), and all the forms were signed, we were off!
San Francisco city hall is HUGE, and the place where the Ball was held ("the Rotunda", according to my Grandma) was awesome. It was mostly a staircase (*sweatdrop*) with the floor going all the way around it and two big rooms off to the side where dinner was served. The food was good; buffet style, you know the kind. And the music they played was rap, rap, about five other songs, three slow dances, and more rap. (no Darkness!!!) We danced a good portion of the time, and as the night wore on I got better at it. I'm always nervous when I'm: a) doing something I haven't done in a long time (dancing), b) in a group entirely of strangers, and c) feeling like I'm being watched and must make some sort of performance. And I was feeling all those things at Ball. After all, it was ANTHONY'S Senior Ball, with all his Senior friends, and some ex-girlfriends, and some enemies all looking at me and scrutinizing me on first looks alone. I was allowed some degree of nervousness, don't you think? But at the end when I had finally let go and had relaxed a WHOLE lot, Anthony noticed the difference in my dancing.
So what if I can't salsa and won't be seen in a rap video anytime soon? DDR is more my style anyways. That, and flailing around like a maniac with my friends. ^_^
Anyways, we left around 11:45 in order to get back to Concord before the limo time was up at 1 a.m. Anthony stayed the night at Ryan's, and Miguel took me, Janet, and Carrie home. I got back around 1:15, was in bed by 2, and asleep by 2:05. When I took my hair down, I had FORTY-ONE bobby pins in it.

I worked on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday I worked the 9-5 shift with Anthony, only he was at backstand and I was at frontstand. No matter. We went to see 'Van Helsing' at 5:30 after work and we took some breaks together that day, so the weekend went well. I was still tired from Ball on Sunday though because I hadn't gotten enough sleep as I would have liked.

Turned in my Econ report today, so I no longer have an 'F' in that class. YAY!!! Progress reports came out on Thursday, and I had all B's and C's! Mom was so pleased, and so was I. Now, to keep them up....

I saw 'Mean Girls' with Alisha after school today, and it's true what people say, it IS funny. It's also sadly true. v.v'

Ah well, I think I've had enough typing for one post. I'll do more when I can think of anything.
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