Mar 15, 2004 18:21
Hi all!
Saturday was good. ^_^ Before Ian and Alisha came by it was even going good, know why? Because I TALKED with Mel and Erin. I mean, actually TALKED with them about important stuff. It felt good, but then I found out Mel had a bad weekend today and Erin was being protective of her, so they were both emotionally unavailable, as you might say. Mel was upset that I went to the party first of all, and second of none of your business (unless you know already, in which case nevermind).
But yeah, Saturday night was awesome! Ian and Alisha and Anthony and I all hung out, then they dropped us off at Casey's party. Casey was already drunk (*sweatdrop*) but I didn't drink, smoke, or do any of the drugs that were there but I didn't see. I'm glad that I went, because now I know 1) What parties are like, 2) I know I can handle myself in situations like that, 3) NEVER to get on Casey's bad side when she's drunk OR to ever accept a cake from her, 4) Anthony is great ^_______________^
Oh, and I think I'm suspended for at least a week from work. Toodles!