May 16, 2007 20:59
I'm going to sound like an old woman, but i would like to state my grievances with the twenty-first century.
First off, I hate you twnenty-first century.
I've noticed that in this day in age boys do not feel the need to be romantic or sweep a girl off her feet. This is considered lame. I wish i could go back in the olden days.
I've also noticed that to keep in touch with people you must have a so called facebook or myspace, and if you dont people will not keep in touch with you. Cell phones are even outdated. I want to speak to my friends in person!!!!
I also have noticed that our society places so much stress on us young ones. There is always something going on, piles of homework, sports, and a job all at the same time. If you're not busy doing one of those things you must be off saving the Earth one step at a time. Although these are all great things it causes too much stress and causes my first two points.
If there was an offer to go live in like the 1920's i would so take it up.
I love you all.