(no subject)

Oct 10, 2005 19:15

I've been a bit quiet recently, so apologies for that, but I ma literlly snowed under. They are working us like Blind Pugh's labrador, so minutes are precious. Yesterday I worked from 1 until 10:30, pausing briefly only to. On a Sunday YEE GODS!!!!
But, I am thoroughly enjoying it. The pace is relentless, the pressure is mounting, and the nerves are a-tingling, but when I'm in school none of that stuff matters. I love the atmosphere, I love the fact that there is just no pause, and, most of all, I love the interaction with the kids. Sure, some of them are little bastards, but most of them are nice kids who just need guidance and a bit of patience. I actually start teaching in a couple of weeks, which is a pretty daunting thought, but at the moment it's just observation and general assistance around the class. Thing is, they pretty much accept my presence and think that I am a teacher anyway, so it's no great shakes. When I speak they generally listen, which is just a great feeling. And I can't deny, I do like being called sir. If this doesn't work out maybe I could pursue a career in an S & M emporium......
Anyhow, got my appointment through today for the head doctor, next wednesday, so I can go and offload and tell him about my depraved fantasy life. Looking forward to it to be honest, and hopefully this will deal with a few of the issues that have been troubling me recently. If you need to see a councellor, but can't afford to go private, go to your GP and tell him you have thoughts about killing people. He couldn't wait to pack me off to the psychiatrist and GET ME OUT OF HIS OFFICE!!! Thing is, that's not the stuff that worries me, that's almost a side issue, as most of my homicidal thoughts are quite humourous - smacking a despised work colleagues head through his computer monitor and roaring with laughter as his hair sets on fire being a prime example. Well, it makes me smile :-) - but rather the self-esteem issues are my main concern. Been reading a website about bipolar disorder and I seem to exhibit more than half of the symptoms!!! Bit of a worry, but I'll try not to jump to any conclusions.....
I'm just off to slaughter the innocent. It's not my fault - the leprechaun tells me to do it.....

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