Jul 31, 2005 22:57
All's been quiet recently as I have not slept properly until last night, so have been wandering around in a bit of a daze. Thinking straight is pretty difficult without sleep, and my eyes were agony every time I looked at the screen.
Still, last night I slept from 8:30pm until about 2 this afternoon, so that did the trick! Nearly 18 hours in bed. Like a convalescent!!
Today was pleasant. Starting to get the spare room sorted - what is referred to as 'my' room - decking it out with TV, video, guitar stuff, PS2, PC and a stereo, though at the moment it's just the TV and Video/DVD. I bought a second PS2 yesterday to go in there from Cash Convertors. Should have known better as the fucking thing won't read disks. I'll take it back tomorrow and kick up a fuss. A little concerned as these types of places are not notorious for their customer service. Still, I've got the receipt and warranty and it simply does not work, so they can't put up too much of a fight.
Went for my run about 6, did an hour without too much trouble, so it looks like I'm back on track there. I was getting a bit anxious as every time I went running before my joints were aching, but the last couple of times it's been fine. Maybe even that was caused by the amount of booze I was consuming. Seven days in now and I am feeling pretty fucking good it has to be said. More confident, more awake (when I sleep that is!) and generally just more healthy. And that's just after a week. Lets see what happens after a month :-) And the thing is, it hasn't been nearly as difficult as I imagined it would be, which is a relief. Other than the sweats, which seem to be subsiding to my usual freakish levels, there have been no other side effects at all. Apart from the hallucinations. And heart palpitations. And hysteria. And blood curdling need to kill......
We just watched The Mothman Prophecies, which I taped off TV bloody ages ago, and have only just got round to watching mainly because of the presence of Richard Gere. The very thought of a 'Gere' movie normally makes me cringe, but I had been assured by various sources that this one was worth a look, and this did indeed turn out to be the case. Spooky, spine tingling stuff in the vain of The X Files - recommended.
OK, off to kill some bots/put the pedal to the metal. One or the other.