it's all coming back to me now

Jun 05, 2005 19:51

my last weekend in high school. yep :)/:( all i have to that i couldn't have thought of a better way to end it. yesterday, me & nick decided to go to the beach, & he got to spend the night last night :).

we went to aptos...which is really close to santa cruz...but i was really nice there :)


there were so many birds!!!

nicks foot o.O lol

a sandcastle some kids made

on the pier

lit up gatorade!!

then, nick, my mom & dad went out to eat a red lobster. while me & nick were on the way home, we noticed some smoke, so he decided he wanted to go see what it was :p turns out it was right across from the byron it was the airport kinda sorta.'s some pics of that.

the point where i was getting really the wind changed & the fire was growing bigger & heading towards the airport

so we drove away

if there was one thing i'll remember during this'll be this weekend.
you made it perfect ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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