Jun 21, 2005 23:35
My bro was being whiny :D u kno how it is...anywho, GO READ MY BLURTY LOL and tell me all of your sob stories :) (They don't actually have to be SAD...)
An excerpt from a future story to be posted in the cool story:
Eowyn threw herself into Arwen's arms sobbing uncontrollably.
"Arwen, I just don't know how I'm going to live without him...he's my breath, my life! I can't imagine the day to day toil without the fresh water of his eyes...oh...his deep green eyes...the radiate joy and peace...they...they....."
"Oh Eowyn" Arwen whispered with the tender touch of an old friend, "Ssh, calm yourself. He is not gone yet. There is still time, my dear sister. Go to him, pour your heart out to him..."
HAHAHA! OK, here's another excerpt:
Arwen stepped in the small shoppe.
"Man." Elisha began. Arwen glared.
"Woman." Arwen nodded her approval.
"You get to be a SENIOR" Elisha mused, "You get to pick on all the large size freshmen." Arwen laughed.
Elisha continued, "unlike me..."
Arwen ignored him as she glanced around the shoppe
Elisha rambled on...
"When I'm a Senior, I'm going to pick on all the SMALL freshmen."
"What's the difference?" Arwen yawned.
"You're tiny." Elisha said.
"I could step on you. You'd fit in the treads."
"Please don't."
"Of my SHOE. You don't like being small?"
"Of course I like being small...i just dislike the idea of being stepped on. By a fish."
There LOL...my brother's being a jerk right now...so imma hafta find something else on the internet to do so that he can learn that it's NOT ALL ABOUT HIM!!! What a big baby...:( booooo!!!
Love to all! Gimme comments! *Jer29:11*