So i was going thru all my old AIM convos b/c i kept them ALL and realized i should get rid of some of them LOL (some of them weren't very nice anyway lol) and i come across this info about my blurty and i'm like oh yeah...i had a blurty! So i go to it today, and you know it hasn't been updated since soph yr in the middle of the english project of death and i remember that soph yr in music theory, christen brummet and i were like, Hey, you should use your old blurty for like a soap opera. So since i have an lj now, i figured it was a good idea (music theory was a very dramatic class LOL buncha drama mamas). So i'm gonna do it LOL...better late then never. Each update will be like another episode and i'll lay down all the characters, setting and premise, etc. I need a name tho...any ideas? LOL So if something dramatic is happening in YOUR life, IT SHOULD BE IN HERE! LOL leave me a comment here (or on my blurty) and I'll put you in (with a cover name of course - to protect the innocent! :D LOL) If you have any ideas for a title or suggestions for a storyline, leave me a comment! Here's the link to my blurty: It's wierd, i was looking for mine and i typed mo0mo0 instead of m0omo0 and this other chick's blurty popped up and her fave color was pink and she loved cows and her best friend was jamie lee...LOL kind of ironic :)
Leave me comments! LOL Hope your day is more eventful then mine is LOL I NEED A JOB!!! :( LOL Much love---
Psalm 119:165