Oct 18, 2004 21:49
last week was...
let's see
Saturday - Contest (raaaaain!)
Sunday - Econ Project
Monday - BandFest
Tuesday - Practice and Econ Project
Wednesday - UIL ( =o in more ways than one!)
Thursday - game and Econ Project
Friday - x_x
Saturday - lesson (and Jamie only practiced an hour and a half last week! @_@)
Sunday - sigh of relief
and the funny thing is
i'm sad that it's all over. That was my last HS UIL show. Ever. Ever Ever.
I'm SO PROUD of my flutes! COnsidering the circumstances, and all things considered, GOOD JOB!!! :D lol...
am i going crazy?
is anyone else gonna miss it? at all?
everyone told me that i would hate band by my senior year...that i would be sick of the practices and the guiding and the rolling of the feet...i would be sick of finding my stupid spot from my stupid coordinate chart and i would hate picking up my stupid piece of junk flute to play the show one more time...
they were wrong.
i'm going to miss everything. :(
in a way, yeah i'm glad it's all over, no more stress and no more *no names here* yelling at me for things i didn't do :*( especially when i was being completely civil to them. But i'm also really sad that there's no more real marching to do. lol...i think i am crazy :)
so i'll say it one more time
Anywho...so the drama finally came back into my life...like whoa. =o my soap opera came back on the air. LOL...and i thought that one was long since cancelled...but hey *shrug* i'm not in charge. It started last Saturday, so now, i've turned back into an emotional girl...someone buy me a mood ring. HA! lol...one of the funniest songs eva! :P but it was surprising. All these emotions that had layed dormant for a year or so...i thought i had finally worked through them but, um, i haven't. lol...go me...rah rah! Ironically enough, it started back up on Saturday at the contest...power to the band nerds *sigh* LOL...i just can't get away from it. But in all honesty i hope this drama just works itself out. Because there are bigger things than just me involved now...and this situation, i have no control over. I can't do anything about it. So i guess i'll just ignore it and hope it dies away. *sigh* but i did miss the drama :/ life was getting a little monotonous. It's really true what they say...that you don't choose the instrument...the instrument chooses you ;) and my fluty personality is coming back to overtake me in full force. *throws hands up in exasperation* someone wake me up. I don't know what to do about this...but the truth is that my hands are tied. I lose either way...:/ hm...stop the world please, i'd like to get off...
btw...apparently B's b-day is coming up in the next month...anyone have any ideas for what we should do? LOL
i'm kinda glad he gave us that talk during band...it reinforced everything i tried to do this year. and now i feel assured that all of my "yay bands" and effort to not gossip and saying as few negative things about those in authority might have not been in vain. it was nice to know that i was appreciated and all my efforts did make some tiny sort of difference. Even though Mr. B will never know and the people i spoke well of will never know. I know :) and i hope that my adopted underclassmen will remember the things i talked to them about. WOOO BAND!!!
ok...it's zzz time :P enough being wierd and deep or w/e...LOL i'll c y'all in the AM. <3 to all!!! :D <>