(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 01:33

I have a problem with thinking about things. I do it too much.  Most people arent worth the time I spend thinking about them, but even though I know that i (in this case, literally) shouldnt loose sleep over It, I do. Even though I know its stupid to dwell on something that I am actually glad happened, I do. I dont have the need to have everyone like me, as a matter of fact I dont really give a fucking shit about what most people think... or dont think for that matter. I just have that kind of a personality. Its good that I realized that I guess.

My senior picture is getting taken tomorrow. One step closer to leaving. Even though school is now decidedly less pleasant, I still dont hate it. I'm just over it. The whole high school thing, with the drama and all the other bullshit that in terms of the rest of my life is so completely irrelevant.  I dont care about it anymore, its just a waste of time. I feel bad for the people who spend so much energy on high school relationships. If I have learned anything its that true friendships are not ones you have to tend to and spend time on, thats all bullshit.  Being nice to people for the sake of being nice gets you nowhere but frustrated. I used to always hate it when people said shit like "DONT TRUST ANYONE" or whatever, but now i see where it comes from. People who you think you know and you think know you end up being just like every other asshole eventually.
the people who dont deserve always get. the people who do the worst jobs always get compliments. the bitchiest people always get favors.
having the mental capacity to acknowledge that that is in fact what is going on is nice though. it must suck to measure out your friendships in terms of the amount of parties you go to with the person. i have a theory that those people who think books are lame and get drunk and throw up on themselves all the time are the same ones who drive hummers and think global warming is a liberal myth.
mr. nomachi is right. darwin was alllll wrong.
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