[.t.h.e. .b.a.s.i.c.s.]
your full name::: Kathleen Margaret Muir (Katie)
date you were born::: November 12, 1989
horoscope::: Scorpio
chinese zodiac::: not a clue
sex::: female
writing hand (left right, or both?)::: right
school::: Pleasant Valley High School
sec/grade::: 9th
height::: 5 foot 4 inches
weight::: 106 Pounds
natural eye color::: Grey/Blue
current eye color::: Grey/Blue
natural hair color::: dirty blonde
current hair color::: dirty blonde
desired hair color::: just a bit lighter
piercings::: Ears
tattos::: No
language(s) you speak::: English- And thats hard enough
job::: None really
soccer_honker_13@hotmail.com blog/webpage::: Live Journal
[.y.o.u.r. .l.o.v.e. .l.i.f.e.]
current status::: Not single
Are you happy with your bf/gf::: Of course! :-D
Turn On::: Eyes,Personality
Turn Off::: Assholes
Any exs::: Yes
Any crush right now::: Well, That would be my boyfriend
[.y.o.u.r. .f.a.m.i.l.y.]
Mom's name::: Jill
Dad's name::: Stephen
Brother's/s' name(s)::: Daniel Stephen
Sister's/s' name(s)::: Megan Megan Elizabeth
Are your parents still together::: Yes
Any pets::: Yup
If yes, name and kind::: Spencer-Cat Elliot-Cat Lady-Dog
Any niece(s)/nephew(s)::: No
Whats your religion::: Methodist
Whats your familys religion::: Methodist (Dad used to be Catholic)
Is your family close::: For the most part
[.s.e.x. .a.n.d. .a.l.l. .t.h.a.t]
Had sex before::: And you care..?
Oral sex::: And you care..?
Anal sex::: NEVER!
Blowjob::: Isn't that part of oral?
Group sex::: No
Gotten pregnant before::: No
Had unprotected sex::: And you care..?
Watched porn::: No
Kissed someone of the same sex::: Yes
Straight, crooked, neutral or bi::: Hmm..
Fell asleep with someone of the oppostie sex without actually having sex::: Yes
[.t.h.e. .f.i.r.s.t.]
Kiss::: Ehh..
Love::: :-)
Crush::: my first crush was AJ
Time you used the Com::: good i guess..?
Time you saw porn::: what makes you think i saw it?
Time you met your current bf/gf::: I couldn't stop staring at his eyes... :-)
Impression of your current bf/gf::: W.o.d.e.r.f.u.l
Best friend::: Well.. my first was Sarah.. but then i think we grew apart..
[.t.h.e. .f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e.s]
Colors::: Pale Yellow
Numbers::: 13
Actors::: Adam Sandler
Books::: Blue is for Nightmares
Songs::: Too many.
Singers::: Dunno
Bands::: Five Iron Frenzy
TV Shows::: Dont watch TV
Magazine::: ?
Subject::: Science
Teacher::: Miss Rice- I learned alot from her bout not only history
(Best) Friend(s)::: Jess
Outfit::: Something comfortable
Person to talk to on the phone::: Andrea or Stephan
Person to talk to on AOL::: Jess, Andrea, Stephan, Elva *cant make up my mind*
Person to talk to::: same as befor
Person to Kiss::: Stephan..
Person to Hug::: Tiffany!
Animals::: i love bears!
Time of the Day::: 1
Phrase/Quote::: What if this isn't a hypothetical question?
[.t.h.i.s. .o.r. .t.h.a.t.]
Night or Day::: night
Summer or Spring::: summer
Autumn or Winter::: winter
1 or 2::: 2
Silver or Gold::: Silver
Make love or Have sex::: Make love
Weblog or Handwritten Journal::: Weblog
School or Going Out::: going out
Phone or Face-to-Face::: face to face
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera::: or.
Love or Lust::: love
Guys or Girls::: Hmm.. Friendship?
Sleeping or Eating::: sleeping
Burgers or Hotdogs::: burgers
Smoking or Drinking::: drinking
[.r.a.n.d.o.n.m.e.s.s.] -tell me what you think about..-
Abortion: Not cool
Nazis::: Not cool
Sex::: What ever floats your boat... My opinion-wait
School::: boring
World Peace::: i guess itd be cool if it happened
George W Bush::: No comment
Love::: Good?
Boys/Girls::: Idk
Parents::: annoying
Emails::: dont get em...
Rules::: Meant to break
Rebellions::: WoOt!
World War 2::: Ehh..
Life::: Ehh...
[.f.r.i.e.n.d.s.] Who's the..
Loudest::: Tiffany
Crazieeeeest::: Tiffany
Funniest::: Emilia
Girl/Boy-craziest::: Elva i think
Cutest::: we are all cute! lol
Most Sensitive::: Not sure
Best Character::: Hmmm..
Best Jokes::: Emilia
Best Singer::: Tiffany
Weirdest::: Me lol
Your Best Friend (s)::: Jess and most of the soccer team maybe a few others
Wearing::: Bright yellow adidas shit and navy blue adidas shorts
Hearing::: Bros TV
Saying::: Nothing
Eating::: Nothing
Drinking::: Nothing
Thinking::: Bout this survey thing
Doing::: this survey
Talking to::: No one
Dreaming of::: Nothing right now
Craving for::: Apple juice
Wishing for::: yea.. we wont get into that.. Allison knows.
Annoyence::: None yet
Looking at::: The frichen screen
Embarressment::: HAH! Like id tell
Behaving::: like Katie
Feeling::: Tired
^Hah sorry i was very bored...