Mar 20, 2005 07:46
Wow, what a weird week!!! I mean I loved that it was short,but for some weird reason everyday felt like a bad Friday.
Any way thursday was the worst day for me, kinda. So first hour was like always me doing nothing except acting hyper and laughing my head off. In Second hour I took an Accounting test that I get to finish tomorrow, 3rd hour chemistry test, 4th hour History test that I know I failed (cuz by then all european renaissance king/czars were like the same people w/ diff. a name), and then came cantley. I was already annoyed cuz I failed my history test, but I was completely thrown over the edge when Cantley gave us what I would call a POP Test over what we've been doing during the past moth or so. Ahhh! and it was hard, after doing a couple of problems I just blanked out and started to cry. I had never felt so totally dumb in my life. If he had made us turn it in, I would have ripped it up and turned in nothing. Well, from there, I walked to Amistad and was late , because I didn't want the little kids to see me cry. And thanks to those cute little faces my day started to get better. After school, Steven drove me home really quick (thanks), I got the money to pay some school fees and got my uncle to give me a ride back. After I paid, I went to hang out with friends at the tennis courts until their practice started.
They supposedly began practice at 3:30, so when I so Derek/Hipolito, I was like, "OOOOOOh I'm going to go bug him, plus I need to tell him that Libby is looking fo him." So after I caught up with Derek, we began talking in Feller's room. He then took my (second) Mellow Yellow and told me I had enough, gave me guava juice instead and offered me candy. I whined about wanting my pop back and then we continued talking about random things while coloring some St. Patrick card for the elderly. I don't know why, but when I talk to Derek I have this want to tell him everything about my life, just pour out every single horrible moment, insecurity, or mistake that fills my past and present. And he actually listens to what I say, doesn't judge me upon it, and says the right thing at the right time to make me feel better. I mean I already warned the guy that he was going to get sick and tired of me (like everyone else does) and he assured me he wasn't (that I would have to work very very hard for that to happen). He by now knows me probably better than my own family and I have only known him for 1 to 2 months at most. He is a good friend. (only a friend)
Anyway, at 5:08 I had to go, because I was suppose to meet Libby and some Key Clubbers by the gym at five to go deliver St. Patrick cookies to the elderly. I walked with Derek to meet the Key Clubbers, said bye, and finally headed to the nursing home. Oh, poor older people, I'd hate to be in that nursing home. We get there and are told that most people are diabetic so we can't pass out cookies ("they'll do that", but we can pass out cards. Then when we are about to leave we see a nursing assistant with a cookie, arrrrrrg! We didn't bring the cookies for the employees, we brought them for the people there! Then, we went back to school and went to the Senior auction, it was okay, but last year with all the drama girls bidding for Nathan was better.
If anyone dared to read this, let me tell you I'm almost done. So anyway Libby wants me to go to Prom, and I want her to get a date, so therefore I would need an uppperclassman date to get in. Anyone have someone in mind? I talked to Winnie yesterday and she told me to ask BOB the Builder (Robert Conkey). He is a really good friend of mine, but I don't know. I'm not a girl who enjoys asking people for stuff like that, plus I don't know how he will take it, and I definitely do not want him to get the wrong idea! Hipolito/Derek offered to find me a date, but I don't know.... What to do? What to do? Need a date, don't really want a date, lalalalalala, please help!
Well bye and sorry for boring you guys, love,
Ps: I need to get going on an application that is due tomorrow at midnight, wish me luck.