Oct 16, 2007 13:41
i'll write things here in random order as they come to me:
-i find it hard (and usually LOATHE) writing about myself, and yet:
-i LOVE music
-im a jew (in the orthodox category) and try to live life as religiously as i am currently comfortable with
->tho i constantly teeter in either direction (secular or religious)
-i dont like being too clean
->i find mild dirtiness gives off a sense of accomplishment
-family is among the most, if not the most, important thing to me
-i usually dont like people but, if youre lucky enuff for me to know/like you, ill be the most loyal person you can count on for ANYTHING
-i misspell certain things on purpose
->usually for easiness/laziness, but occassionally because i genuinely dont know how to spell them
->usually only online and, not consistantly
->enuff = enough, prolly = pro-bab-ly (sp?), tho = though, ,,, = ... (ellipsis), genious (sp?), more to come
-i use 'etc.' too often but i dont intend to stop
-i think calling someone a rhombus is pretty harsh
->if youre a rhombus youre a square and a pushover
-i sometimes feel like im a loser or that im worthless (mostly just angst) but i know that secretly im better than all of you put together
-i almost always trust my gut feelings and go with hunches
-this is a bit personal but: im constantly compiling lists in my head of people i feel shaped me into what i am today so i can thank you all if when i get famous in some way/publish something
-i constantly come up with complex, convoluted
explanations for things that i dont always believe myself, but gladly dish out by the scoopful to all those willing to listen
-i keep a small, ruled moleskine (and, strangely enough, folded, loose-leaf papers that i tear out of binders) in my pocket to frantically jot down ideas that i get often and at occasionally inconvenient times (like driving)
->ive found that if i dont write them i tend to forget the more interesting, embellishing details and am unhappy with whats left
-i live by a strict code that i have developed for myself (ill post a journal entry about it, soon hopefully)
- i have a BS in BULLSHIT-OLOGY and exploit it almost obscenely to my advantage (mainly for writing essays and such)
-i think 'and such' and 'as of late' are stupendous phrases
-i, like dr. nick in the simpsons, have a hard time grasping why (or even if) inflammable means flammable
-thanks to LJ i can do tiny bits of html coding and feel incredibly more proud of myself than i should
-im bad at keeping in touch with people but not because i dont like them/dont care
-i dont capitalize 'i' and use ' instead of " almost always!
-when im already making a bunch of !!!'s i like to write a few 111's afterwards even when i write by hand (not typing)
->this is possibly an artifact of the Computer Age™
-i like to play guitar (thanks to laura), tho i dont play as often as i should or would like to (mainly due to laziness and distrac-- oooh, tv)
some sites i frequent:
->much of my time is spent here
->really cool webcomic, i need to catch up again
->NDS roms
->new technology, gizmos, etc.
->a must-visit for all vocab-ophiles philologists
->cool tricks for life and technology
->self-explanitory, i think
->site i found to teach me super-cool coding tricks like 'italics', and 'strikethrough' (i guessed 'bold' when i learned 'italic' ☺ )