Nov 02, 2005 12:01
yoo. last night i was at the hospital because my ear seriously was popping and it hurt soo bad. and i cant even describe it. but it hurt enough for me to be sent to the emergency room. i had to wait 3 hours for them just to check my ears. i was checked in last and it sucked. it only took 10 minutes for them to check. but anyways. i have an ear infection on my eardrums and its really bad. im taking 3 or 4 different medicines. =[ last night was exhausting. but mrs. d took me & gab to dairy queen after i got checked out of the emergency room because shes just so cool like that. im mucho better now. but my ear still hurts like a bitch. I OFFICIALLY HATE HOSPITALS. you would of had to been there to truly understand why.
im going to watch muary. hehe. awesome show.