Tick tocking

Feb 21, 2009 12:03

Passing time and being lazy today. Probably going to play more Sims in a minute but first some Lj nonsense. I only randomly like memes but this amuses me, possible because I am tired and bored-ish until work (that is if I work, my online schedule says I do not but I remember the paper one saying I do so waiting for time until boss will be in and I can call and confirm it all).
Anyhow stolen from joemorf and so on....
A new twist on that "search for your name" thing: google on "unfortunately [your name]" and grab the first ten results.

1. Unfortunately, Rochelle will not be going to Capricon. The reason could be because...
2. Unfortunately, Rochelle spends more than she earns and so will have to tax her area.
3. Unfortunately, Rochelle can't teach so people learn algebra from her mother.
4. Unfortunately, Rochelle doesn't want to force friendships, but is all alone and sad.
5. Unfortunately, Rochelle's petition to take The Oblongs off the air is closed. She hates tv and so...
6. Unfortunately, Rochelle will not be on tv anytime soon.
7. Unfortunately, Rochelle has to work so she can't go to family reunions on the weekends.
8. Unfortunately, Rochelle got sick so a coworker did her presentation for her.
9. Unfortunately, Rochelle sets her clocks wrong and makes other people late.
10. Unfortunately, Rochelle is snobbish and won't use food stamps in the grocery store. She needs them since she is late and sick for work and the taxes thing is not working out.

Well, that was funny.

meme, unfortunately, funny

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