Things from the weekend's Congames
John shot an arrow through Duke Dannon's eye. So, I used a wager to make it come from Lady Sharra's carriage. After all, it was only a convention game.
"Why is your hair wet?"
"Ummm. I found some sprinklers."
Toon games with experienced players are fantastic. All three went well and the Star Toon will be continued next Con.
I need to eat more over the weekend. Getting dizzy is bad.
Got shanghaied onto the Black Frieghter. And watched another pirate Larp ship get rammed. Heh.
Lilly looked the best in the natural 20 shirt. They should make those in D6 and D10 varieties.
The Dark Ones Pirate party was fun. Lap game and all. Lots of boobies. Going back to my own room was even more amusing. Plus, people like the cobbler drink (Jason suggested heating it up, will try on Halloween)
No more running Ninja Burger at cons. Too long and drags.
Discordian double agents. Coming soon to a con near you.
Midnight Illuminati (ill-loom-inotee) is amusing. Even more so when some people have been drinking.
No more leaving my phone in the Rat's Nest. I don't care if it likes it there.
No leaving my drink there either.
And lastly, a thingie stolen from
wickedthought Your Score: Orpheus
33% Extroversion, 80% Intuition, 72% Emotiveness, 61% Perceptiveness
You are an artist, an aesthete, a sensitive, and someone who has never really let go of that childlike innocence. To you, all of life has a sense of wonder in it, and the story of Orpheus was written about someone just like you.
When the Argo passed the island of the Sirens, Orpheus played a song more beautiful than the Sirens to prevent the crew from becoming enticed. When his wife died, he ventured into the underworld to charm Hades but, in his naivete, he looked back becoming trapped there.
You can capture your unique world view and relate it to others with the skill of a master storyteller. Your sensitivity and creativity make you a treasure to the human race, but your thin-skinned nature and innocence can cause you a lot of disenchantment and pain. What's doubly unfortunate is that, if you try to lose those traits, you never will, and everyone will be able to tell that you're putting up an artificial shell to prevent yourself from being hurt.
Famous people like you: Hemingway, Shakespeare, Mr. Rogers, Melville, Nick Tosches
Stay clear of: Icarus, Hermes, Atlas
The Greek Mythology Personality Test written by
Aleph_Nine on
OkCupid, home of the
The Dating Persona Test Ah, it was fun, and I'm also glad its only four days long. How the heck the ven party for at least week is beyond me.