Switched again

May 01, 2007 22:10

The powers that be apparently do not want us to move out of the Valley. Since Budd was asked to go to the Prescott Outback, things have changed again. Katie aka his ex-girlfriend and mother of his son, has filed paternity with the state. So, we are going to stay here and get some custody of Stephen (the little one). Budd says he'll take what he can get now that he is in a postition to fight for it. I agreed to possibly being a stepmother to a 6 year old who I have never met. I sometimes wonder if I am slightly more than crazy. The things we do for love. Heh.

On a brighter note, I get plenty of social time on the weekends. Johncon, a gaming get together, was this last Saturday. I got to play Dune, which is made by same people as Cosmic Encounters and we certainly could have used more time to play it. Also, Illuminati card game and Spooks (yay Steve Jackson games!). It was an appetizer to the main meal in June of Congames. Yummy.

games, outback, stephen, social

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