After Xmas Before New Years

Dec 29, 2006 15:42

Christmas was very nice this year. I caught the head cold Budd had had for most of the last week on Christmas Eve morning but since I had it off and spent the next two days hanging out at my parents it was okay. This morning I finally woke up and was able to breathe through nose so basically am recovered from said cold.

The Tassimo Budd got me is so nice. I just have to go out and buy discs which is kind of sucky and they do get expensive but hopefully they will up their selection and availability if it continues to do well. :)
From my mother I got rabbits! well, actually I didn't get rabbits for myself but they made a donation to Heifer International on my behalf. It is a really awesome charity that goes to a village and gives them animals and teaches the people how to care for them so it becomes more than just a single gift but a way for them to be self-reliant. My parents gave all of use kids something from them this year. I got rabbits and Budd got a water buffalo (hehe mooooo). Plus a bunch of kitchen utensils and a hand held vacum for Budd and various dvds and gift cards for me.

Then I got to hang out with the gaming guys yesterday. Bryluen made a triumphant escape to the top of a mast after bothcing an armor spell and becoming big thing magnet. They are playing today as well going to talk to the Sultan about his daughter but having work and needing more sleep to shake the cold, I decided it would be best if I stayed home.
Plus, Budd's Outback xmas party was last night. We went bowling; it was okay but the smoke really got to my throat so I didn't bowl and only had a little sip of some alcohol. Ah well, most of his servers were very nice and pleasant to meet.

Now I work every day past New Years. Yay for more money!

christmas, role-playing, avaldar, presents, new years

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