Guild media

Sep 12, 2005 15:05

I made some backgrounds for my guilds on World of Warcraft. Two are my characters, the troll is Artalya a 60 hunter, and the dwarf is Glod a 21 rogue who is Bloodcake's Guildmaster. The last one is Lyrning, my friend Fred's priest who is the Guildmaster of Spawn of Bloodfang. I did him because I wanted guildmaster ones....only did the Art one later because the undead hunch too much adn you couldn't see the tabard as well as I wanted. The priest one is still really neat; I love the way the blood effect looks on it. I made icons too, but not gonna post those since they're mine and I'd rather them not be used by others...:)

You'll notice one is reddish, one is yellowish, and one is orangish, yes that was one purpose. I gave them their own colors. Mayeb I should do a rainbow of Wow backgrounds. lol.
Actually I already have a blue then

That's Lusia, she's on an Rp server and has no guild yet. A 22 warrior, woohoo, but she might not be played much in the near future due to Glod needing serious work and Art helping out lowbies in Spawn.
So, pretties make me happy today.

wow, backgrounds

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