I made a
galette des rois yesterday. And all the filling leaked out. Ugh. Since I had invited G over to eat it with us, I had to make another, pronto. This one turned out much better and very tasty.
Not my prettiest, but probably my puffiest. :D
With my leftover puff pastry (homemade, thank you very much), I made a much smaller version for J to take to work on Friday to share with his colleague.
And because I am on snack duty at church this Saturday, I think I will make a giant one, capable of serving many people. In France whenever you attend a "fête des voeux" with a larger gathering, the galette is rectangular instead of the traditional round form, so that is what I will do... There is a lot of butter in my future.
A little anecdote: The link above goes to an entry about the second galettes I made, back when we lived in Egypt. That means the first time I made a galette des rois was almost 10 years ago. That is just crazy. I have no sense--despite having kids that are a growing and constant witness to the passage of time--that that much has passed. I have a better picture of the above pictured cake, but this one was taken out on our terrace, reminding me of photographing
this one out on our teeny tiny balcony in our first Egyptian flat. :P