New Year's Day visitors of the feathered kind

Jan 04, 2021 01:25

Sadly, my super macro lens is having technical difficulties, which prevented me from getting good photos of our feathered visitors.  I had to content myself with photographing the birds through the kitchen window and front door window, respectively, zoomed in to the max.

Rougegorge (English Robin) :

Mésange Charbonnière (Great Tit) :

Mésange bleue (Eurasian blue tit) :

Sitelle Torchepot (Eurasian nuthatch or wood nuthatch) :

We usually have skads of tits at this time of the year, but so far they are rare and sparrows are our most common visitors to the birdfeeders. :-/

glimpses: france, life in france, critters

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