Aug 31, 2015 16:57
I've decided I'm going to try to write in the mornings, when Junebug wakes me for a nursing session. This usually happens around 5:30 or 6, and I try to fall back asleep afterwards. The plan is to let him go back to sleep but stay up myself and write while the house is still quiet and distraction-free. I've been trying to write at night, and my insomnia is having a heyday. Story-making is not conducive to the calm thoughts and empty(ish) mind I need to fall asleep.
This morning, I woke up by myself at exactly 5:30, expecting to hear Junebug. Nothing. So, silly me, instead of just getting up, I dozed until he cried at 6:20. I nursed him and put him back to bed around 6:40, but Sprout got up. :-< She was pretty good about leaving me alone but didn't give me the 100% solitude and calm I craved. Then of course Junebug got up at 7:30.
My first try wasn't a success, but I'm aiming for an early night and a second go in the morning.
that thing called writing,