I made a galette on Saturday, and it was great. If I do say so myself. :P
This time there were no leaks, it wasn't too sweet, and the crust rose even more beautifully than last time. I tried a method that called for baking 20 minutes at 180 (Celcius), then 20 min at 160, and 20-40 min at 140. As you can imagine, with the oven I have, that wasn't really feasible but I did my best to progressively lower the temperature by propping the door open with a wooden spoon, and then turning off the oven toward the end of the baking process. It takes longer and is a bit more tedious, requiring more attention, but I'll try it for sure when I have a better oven.
I also opted for a freehand design of my own imagining. I should have thought it out a bit more rather than doing it spur of the moment with a 4-yr-old chattering at me and a crying baby hanging on my leg. :-/ Apart from the few places that I cut a bit too deeply, it turned out all right:
I was thinking of olive branches and a little dove of peace. I wanted to do several little animals and leaves, but then the kids started in on me, I decided to keep it simple.