Here by Glimpses Known - Guédelon pt 1

Jul 13, 2011 00:42

I'm woefully behind on posts I'd like to make; this one, for example, dates to Father's Day, but I have others that go even further back.  Nothing for it but to jump right in.

Julien gave me a wonderful first Mother's Day, stepping in skillfully for a daughter still too young to truly show how she appreciates me (as appreciate and love me she must, non?), and I wanted to do likewise for Father's Day. I was thwarted by the weather, however, and suggested we visit Guédelon. (I encourage you to click on the link, where a very brief video will pop up explaining the concept and giving some nifty images.  it should be in English; if not, there will be an English option on the page.)

Seeing as how this was our fourth visit to Guédelon since coming to the region the first time in 2003, I was sure I had commented on it before, and indeed I did, five years ago to the day.* I wasn't particularly eloquent last time, though, and shared no photos, so I thought to remedy, giving you a true glimpse of this lovely French endeavor.

Given the late hour, I'll mostly let the pictures do the talking, but if anyone is interested in learning more, let me know and I'll find the time to go into more detail.

(click for an even larger image to see details)
Guédelon has all the necessary artisans: stonecutters, carpenters, basket makers, blacksmiths, the list goes on. All the door handles, ornaments, and nails above, the blacksmith** pictured made using the tools and methods that would have been available to his predecessors in the 13th century.

By researching illuminations and texts from the past, as well as stained glass windows in cathedrals (each guild usually paid to have their profession represented), the historians working with the project are able to make decent conjectures about tools, typical worker's garb, etc.

Ok, crying baby calls. Hope you find this glimpse interesting. :)


* Would have been to the day if I hadn't started writing the post so late. :P

** Or one like him.  Lots of artisans and volunteers pass through Guédelon each year, but many stick around. I know because we have a photo of a man from five years ago, and we saw him again this time around.

glimpses: france, pics, guéledon

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