Jun 29, 2007 10:55
So last night, Ethan went over to Alex and Marie’s house to do a sweep for “dangerous stuff” prior to bringing Alex over. Alex has been calling every family member he has a phone number for asking them to bring him back to the house so he can pick some stuff up. (Mercifully, he has forgotten my phone number.)
Ethan was going to take Alex to visit Marie today, then take him to the house to get whatever he was looking for. He told Ethan that he wanted razor blades because they cut things better than the scissors he has at the memory care place… mmkay, like we will let you bring those back after the last few razor incidents. I’m starting to call him our emo grandpa. More seriously, Alex had been very agitated recently, and the kids are debating if they want to increase the amount of his sedatives or not. Apparently antidepressants do not work/interact with his Alzheimer’s meds, so all we can do is sedate him more and hope that calms him down.
Ethan came out of there with half a grocery bag of sharp things, a laundry basket full of alcohol (contradicted by Alex’s medication) and the hunting rifle he could not find the last time Alex was suicidal and he had to go looking for dangerous objects. After the Sue Place raid, Nancy decided that Ethan should not have to take Alex over there tomorrow- that will be a job for Phil. So E just has Grandma-visiting duty today before going to work.
We took the rifle over to my parents’ so my dad could take custody of the rifle. He will clean it and make sure it’s in decent order, then hold it for Ethan along with the rest of Alex’s guns. While we were there, they kindly fed us dinner (grilled duck breast sliced over a mixed-greens salad).
In any case, we now have about twelve full to half-full bottles of booze, and that’s after I poured out five bottles of skanky stuff and gave two bottles to my parents. I foresee a rather alcoholic weekend. :)