It was a busy weekend. Did not do a lick of housework, and the apartment is a disaster area, but I got a lot of fun stuff done, so I don't think I will complain that much as I catch up on the cleaning this week in the evenings.
Friday night after work, my coworker Megan hosted a wine-tasting party. It was a really good time to sit and try different types of wine and chat. I've not tinkered much in the white-wine area, as most of the whites I had early on were nasty chardonnays that soured me on whites in general. Tried a few that will make me rethink the genre.
Saturday we drove down to Rochester for a birthday lunch with Dave and Nancy and Erin and Dane and Jill. We carpooled with Erin and Dane, with lots of lively discussion both ways. Lunch itself was OK, Olive Garden, not spectacular food but solidly good. I also got to give Jill her finished birthday presents, it was cool to see her wearing them. Ethan had to work Saturday night, which was by his account a rotten evening at Joe's. He's giving serious thought to quitting and maybe picking up some more hours at the pharmacy in their place. Losing the cash income will be hard, but I'd rather have him home more often and more relaxed.
Took the mitten class with my work-knitting-crew yesterday. It was a lot of fun, and the resulting mitten (only have one right now, all done sans thumb) is pretty cool looking- it's black wool and mohair with some multicolor eyelash yarn at the cuff. I will finish the thumb tonight and start the paired mitten for tomorrow's knitting group at lunch. These will likely go to the grandmere, who has more slender hands than mine; they're a trifle tight on me. That's mostly because my gauge got screwed up as it's my first foray into multiple-needle knitting. When I'm first learning something or doing a new pattern, my gauge typically tightens up, and I'm a tight knitter to begin with. The instructor told me I'd be a natural for knitting socks. Cotton yarn on toothpick-sized needles. :>
I got to give Katie her hat yesterday before dinner- it's darling on her, and I'm looking forward to starting one for Eleanor out of the pink sparkly yarn my friend Ayse brought back from Turkey.
After the knitting class I rushed over to Nana and Bubba's for dinner- we had a family Valentine's Day party, which was a lot of fun. We do silly little presents for each other and do a lot of hugging. Mom and Dad gave Ethan a huge chunk of Stilton cheese, which he loves; I got a pile of little recipe books. I've not seen my grandparents for a while, so it was good to sit and talk and enjoy lasagnae and salad. Ethan actually got the day off, which was the bonus round for me. We did end up doing some routine maintenance on the parents' computer, but it went fast enough that we were home before 9:30.
Tonight will be busy again. Giving blood right after work, then I am going to tackle the laundry and clean the kitchen. The kitchen floor needs washing and the dishes have piled up something chronic.