Aug 30, 2009 21:00
I'm terrible when it comes to LJs & starting over, but my rather hazy logic is that now that LJ is basically dead amongst the people I know who used to use it, I can update with as much whining as I feel necessary and no one will care. So really, it's a mutually beneficial thingummy all around!
So, what's new, pussycat?
I'm currently working on Legend of the Seeker, which is incredibly rewarding in that I'm learning a lot and gaining a lot of practical skills. It's not so great in that I'm away from home for 12 hours a day and am run down and tired most of the time. During the week I'm barely keeping my head above the rough seas of normal function, and the last few months have been taken up with helping out with Chimera, so this weekend was dedicated to recovering from that. Sleep! Lots of sleep!
Of course, it's not helped by the fact that my lovely boyfriend is in a completely different timezone, and a lot of nights see me still awake at totally innapropriate times. We recently celebrated 6 months together, only three of which we've actually been physically together, but they've been a fantastic 6 months and he's been an absolute rock. I get care packages when I'm sick, and he's sent massive, beautiful flowers to work just because he can.
In good news on the romance front, I'm heading over to the UK for xmas for three weeks, and we've got plans to go to Mont St Michel, which has always been on my list of things to do. Tres romantique!
In even bigger good news, it's more than likely that I'll be heading over to the UK in April, when my contract with Seeker ends, to live with him. Luckily I have dual citizinship, so it's not a problem at all for me as to which country I'm in, and it's just a question of finding work. Of course, there's rumours about season 3 of Seeker, but I'd far prefer the experience of living overseas and being with Dave than going through another season of this.
So, life is good, but take my advice and never do the long distance thang. If it's worth it, it's worth it, but I'm not going to deny it's hard being so far away from the person you love.