Oct 13, 2010 06:53
Random strange dreams sometimes give me game ideas. Unfortunately, these are more often video game ideas than RPGs, which means they're not exactly something I can execute readily. That, and I usually end up too immersed in the game in the dream, to the point that I might as well be the guy getting chased down by monsters and evil spirits.
Latest was an RPG/action game, somewhere in the area of Dead Rising and Fallout 3. Don't remember too much about the plot, but it centered around a series of bosses that are spirits of the Seven Sins (yes, I know, how very original). The player character also had a set of seven power trees he could advance, also based on the Sins, though there were two versions of each tree: one based on indulging the Sin in question, and one based on refuting it, and they grew out of your roleplaying choices, not how you attribute your points at level-up or character creation.
It'd be possible, but hard, to refute all Seven Sins and end up with full trees of the "good" powers, and thus get the absolute best ending to the game, but very little in the way of the refutation trees actually offers good combat power. So you'd have to treat the bosses like a puzzle to beat, usually getting them to destroy the environment in ways that mess themselves over. At the opposite end of the spectrum is giving in on all the Sins and becoming an absolute combat monster -- and a complete monster in general, doing all kinds of horrific stuff to get there as you plunge into the depths of the Sins. This also produces the worst of the bad endings, but at least you had a violent and fun time getting there (yay for video game cruelty potential!).
Of course, most people are going to end up somewhere in the middle there. I imagine indulging Wrath would be popular, because it would have some of the best offensive powers of the game. Lust as well (at least for the story paths, if not the powers), if only because, y'know, gamers.