Hello again.

Apr 28, 2007 11:31

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addyit April 28 2007, 10:29:48 UTC
i just had a maddening thought, something which may appeal, may not. as you say, you're busy BUSY, so this is just an observation to brood on.

....i'd love to see you do some Alice in Wonderland images.


mneomosyne April 28 2007, 10:52:56 UTC
I've wanted to do that for ages, it's on my to do list, together with the Illiad and Dante's Divine Comedy.


swtalmnd April 28 2007, 16:50:06 UTC
I second and third the whole Alice/Dante/Illiad thing (though, er, not necessarily at once)... but I am sad about the MySpace thing, because I have been resisting it for so long, but only people with accounts can go look at other people's pics there... sigh. You are an evil temptress.

Evil, I say!


mneomosyne April 28 2007, 17:14:09 UTC
I hadn't thought of that, if it's a comfort, most of the pics will also be in a photobucket file and I'll provide links in the blog section.

I can't say I'm happy with myspace, it has terrible adds and it's a headache to find my way around there, but for my paintings the public in myspace is closer home which allows me to make at least some contact with the local underground art scene. That's the main reason why I'm submitting myself to the torture of html and bad lay outs.

Anyway, here's a link to photobucket, more art will follow later.


(let's hope this works)


swtalmnd April 28 2007, 17:21:32 UTC
I can totally understand that, using whatever medium you can to connect with the local art scene. It's a totally different world, I guess!

I wanted the blue one to be my favourite, but in the end it was the very last one, the green-black, that I liked the best -- it's sort of spooky and that just appeals to me on this bright sunshiney morning ;)

Thanks for the link! ♥


addyit April 28 2007, 20:05:48 UTC
it shall be WONDERFUL when you do!


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