Life in the Third Semester (aka Third Reich)

Aug 17, 2007 21:01

DISCLAIMER : You guys might want to re-read that January entry about our teachers last sem (probably tagged under college and teachers)... otherwise most of this might not make sense. Due to the good-natured warnings of innumerable people, name-dropping has been brought to a bare minimum, so anyone who comes here expecting gossip... oh, wtf, if you are acquainted with NSIT, it's all gonna make sense anyway, so just get on with life and have fun reading this. To any NSIT people who might have unwittingly stumbled onto this hitherto-inconspicuous LJ and want to sue me for defamation... well, good luck to you. But then again, if you are stalking people on LJ, there are pretty good chances I already am friends with you or at least know of your existence. Just a warning here, though, if you still want to persist with the whole suing-me idea (I know enough people who would want to... not for this precise reason but. Just ended a sentence with a conjunction there. In your face, Winston Churchill!). The only thing worse than a just-spurned-friend is a just-spurned-friend with absolute power. Absolute power here translates to an LJ to broadcast his/her feelings (which may or may not include profanity) to the whole damn world.

It's been a few weeks into the new semester and I'm back with your semi-annual dose of Know Your NSIT Faculty. Lab teachers included, most of them are already associated with various memories - some of them good, most of them stuff I'd rather forget. Like that oh-so-horrendous PEE viva person who made life hellish within the span of fifteen minutes (okay, so it was the MTech dude who did most of the life-spoiling thingy, but hey, this guy was in cahoots with him) who I now realize is a MUCH worse teacher. Or Mr Hote who takes our Power Apparatus Lab, and seems to have gotten just a trifle more hysterical this semester (Who's the dude doping his coffee?). Or, of course, the apparently omnipresent Godfather-wannabe... still minus a white cat. And I suppose if I'd been writing this two days ago, I'd probably have added another sentence here - And NK with his absence being thrust upon the lives of the people in the first and second batches. Not today, though, haha. More on that later.

1. Electronics I - This is probably the only 'good' class in the whole motley lot. Taught by a guy who I initially knew only as Rawat sir (@ MIS people - My first question was 'Which one?':-)). Mr T K Rawat does a fine job of trying to get across, has an almost unlimited supply of enthusiasm, and can conduct the class with some modicum of normalcy even in the late afternoon - when all people want to do is get the hell out of there! Mostly, a cool teacher, just tends to go overboard with the explaining sometimes. Probably still has a long way to go before he gets inured to the blank stares of the people in the back rows. Otherwise, does a great job of getting the point across. The only class I look forward to in the whole day. 'S a pity we don't have Electronics on Fridays. Analogous to not having had Math on Fridays last sem. Fridays are accursed for us.

2. Circuits & Systems - To paraphrase Shirley Schmidt from Boston Legal - 'Heebie jeebies is not a technical term'. This guy totally deserves the creepiest teacher award. I don't know if it's just me or what, but he totally reminds me of Gimli (I wonder if Gautam is actually reading this... and if it'll elicit an acerbic comment). The first two days, we just went round and round in circles trying to make matrices out of differential equations - and not really reaching any bloody solution. A few days ago, when the rowdy part of our class clamoured for attendance (in spite of not attending the class), he apparently lost his cool and threatened us with dire consequences (or something, this part is mostly hearsay). Also, once when I, Saurav, Sanchit, Sahil and Vidushee were the only people attending his class, he taught us the same thing he'd done the previous day, asked us our names, spelt them all wrong, asked us our CEE ranks, asked us if ICE could be obtained at that rank, and then answered his own question. Firstly, no teacher, like ever, has asked us our ranks. Secondly, I am not really impressed by people who look crazy, and on top of that, answer their own questions. So don't expect me to start waxing eloquent about this person sometime in the future.

3. Power Apparatus - Taught by (Not Mr. Rajneesh, boo-yaa!) an agreeable lady who just tends to mix up the words 'core loss' and 'copper loss' and ends up conveying the exact opposite of what she actually intended to. But it's not a bad course, stuff about ac and dc machines. I suppose I can scrape through if I end up attending all the classes and learning to discern, as the Mad Hatter might put it, between when the woman actually says what she means and means what she says.

4. Measurement - Refer earlier comment about PEE viva. Crazy course, pretty much stretched out what we did in one month in class XI (accuracy, precision and the rest of the crap) to be taught in four months. The guy is slightly scary but mostly just a bad teacher. Doesn't specify deadlines but expects assignments in on the very next working day, as I found out to my detriment. And our immediate seniors seem to have absolutely no clue about what to do once you've crossed him, so I'm pretty much on my own in deep waters here.

5. Math (Math*s* III probably... the time table doesn't specify our subjects any more) - What am I supposed to say for this? Definitely pales in comparison to the previous sem... ::sigh::. Taught by a rather, ahem, portly gentleman called JK Mishra. It's incredible how much of a study in opposites NK and this guy are. This guy is everything he was not (not the good kind) - he is slow (ok, so this is like plodding along on a tortoise after having been on a maglev bullet train... after having flown in the air for so long, you are brought back to the harsh reality of life by the sound of your knees scraping the earth), hard to understand, gives tests and expects us to actually study at home. Yes... that is so gonna work. It's funny how innately contradictory situations arise - people don't study for the guy who actually gives tests, while in NK's class, people knew the subject inside out. God, I miss him!

Labs are mostly a bit of a joke. The electronics lab's mostly a collection of Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CROs) and is taught by a, as I like to call her, genile (genial+senile) old lady who's haunted by a shrill-shrieking-spectre of a lab assistant / PhD student (don't really know which) who hangs around and knows less than we do. Mostly a joke, this lab. The power apparatus lab assistant does our experiments for us, as though he considers us incapable of even connecting two wires together. MD... well, it just... is. The measurement lab is a breeze, Thursdays mean an extra hour off before lunch. Saurav and I decided to utilize this hour and beg NK to allow us to attend his Programming class (which is during the same time period). Spent the hour this Thursday generally lurking around outside his lab and figuring out what to say to him that he couldn't contradict outright. Actually, in the end, when we gave up and decided to say whatever came first into our heads, he (apparently he was wearing his happy clothes or something) decided to make it all easy for us and agreed quite easily. Too easily, as a matter of fact. I'm wondering if, when we turn up at the lab next Thursday, we realize that the lab's been shifted and there's a huge sign outside the door of the usual room saying 'Gotcha!' or 'Psych!' or something. But of course, till that happens, I'm pretty much euphoric.

Also, I finally got my parents to give in and give me my 1500 bucks for books. This has been long overdue... since two years, in fact. So anyone who has a good book worth buying to mention is welcome to pool in suggestions. And Prateek, ideas for a coding project (C/C++) we can present to our future employers would be greatly appreciated.

Went and watched the Simpsons this Sunday. Only 10 people in the whole theatre. Awesome movie, though. Everything I expected. Here's a quote that's gonna become a classic.

Todd : I wish Homer was my dad.
Flanders : I wish you didn't have the devil's curly hair.




teachers, college, life

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