Oct 24, 2006 16:32
Ok, now its just comical.
Im passed pissed and into utterly dismayed. Which is a good place because I DO NOT like to be that angry over something that unimportant. It was just that alot of emotional shit came crashing down at once (not in real time, just hit me) and I felt like I was drowning. Im better now. Just had to rant and take time to think about it.
Anyways, its now comical because. I get three movies at a time. They screwed up and sent me the first two movies of another series. Do you know what they sent me for my third movie (shipping on Wed.)? The first disc of the series they were supposed to send in the first place. Why oh god why did they have to send me the first two discs of ANOTHER series and then the first disc of the right series. It just doesnt make any sense why they wouldnt just send me all three discs of the RIGHT series.
When netflix replies to my email I dont know how I am going to respond. Im still a little upset, but mostly Im just confused now. I want to understand what kind of a b-rate programmer they had making their system and then I will hook them up with some real programmers so that I can get my freakin movies ontime.
It amazes me how screwed up there system is. Though I cant help but wonder if its really their fault. perhaps that are extenuating circumstances on the criteria of what movies to send out from the queue that is doing this to me. i dont know, but i want it to stop please oh god. I put series in order on my queue for a reason. And if you start sending me shit out of order, or worse, mix and match the dvds from multiple series (like theyve done here) then Im going to be upset.
If they dont offer me compensation (which they might do, and I hope they do). What im going to do, is send back the DVDs they sent me wrongly. And when they get them, ill re-add them to my queue, just so I can speed up the process of getting the right discs of Ai Yori Aoshi. Im hoping that means on Friday Ill have the other two discs of Ai Yori Aoshi. The problem I have no is that, if I watch the first disc right when I get it on Thursday, i still cant put it in the mail fast enough to get the 4th disc.
I think I need to up my number of discs that I get each week, three isnt enough, when your ordering series that are 5-10 dvds long.
Anyways. Back to work. Breaks almost over.