Sep 04, 2007 07:21
Back at the colonel's place Hank and Dean continue to search for clues on where the piece might be. Dean finds Gentleman's diary:
Dean: Wait, there's some kind of list. Could be a clue... 'Toys Col. Gentleman wishes he had when-'
[fade to a flashback of Gentleman writing the diary entry]
Col. Gentleman: [continued, voice over] -he was a lad, but they weren't invented yet. Micronauts. Scooby-Doo monster game. Which Witch. ATAT Imperial Walker. Stay Alive, the survival game!
[fade back to Hank and Dean in the present]
Hank: What is that, code?
Dean: Colonel Gentleman's good names for an imaginary friend, Colonel Gentleman's Hollywood actresses who need a smack in the mouth... they go on and on. This is a crazy person's diary.
The Sean Connery-like voice of Col. Gentleman is classic comedy