Apr 30, 2005 18:26
My exams are finally over. Even though I only had a few classes this semester it has been very stressful. I'm glad it's over, but I'm a little worried about my grades. I'm also a little worried about my MCAT scores. I have to wait another few weeks for them at least. :(
On the plus side, now that school is over I get a few weeks to relax before summer school starts. I'm still working on finding a job for the summer though. I don't know if and when that will work out. Anyone know of places that are hiring??
My car is getting fixed from my accident on monday. Stupid guy that ran a red light!! I'm still angry about that. Thankfully I have a rental car for now. It's a corolla. I enjoy driving it around, but I want my car back.
Ok, that's enough complaining about life. I'm going to enjoy my weekend at home :)