
Sep 28, 2007 20:42

School started yesterday, and with it an plethora of new freshmen. Lost. Repeatedly opening maps and trying not to look like dorks. If they're asking me for directions, if I even see them on my end of campus, they're so lost they'd be dead if they were out on the Serengeti. Heck, our lab is so far from the rest of campus we're practically next to the Serengeti.


ME: I helped three freshmen on the way back to the lab.

MITZIE: Oh, poor freshmen. I know you just got them confused.

ME: No, no, I told them the right way.

MITZIE: What, I don't believe it--why would you do that?

ME: Well, karmically I had to--I intentionally messed up four freshmen yesterday, so I'm still owe one more.


Jackie is due any day now. She's been having contractions, supposedly *crosses fingers* Braxton-Hicks. She's finally out of work, and will have the remaining time until she delivers to relax. If she knows how to do that. I think she'll probably fret about cleaning the house and whatnot. Jackie, if you read this, RELAX!
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