Nov 14, 2004 16:32
Well, Im not really upset like I had been on Friday, Im just a bit frustrated because Im trying to work out some problems on the calc and I was doing OK on them yesterday, making honest mistakes and, for the most part, being able to figure out what I was doing wrong. Not so today; today, except for one mistake which was calculus-related, I only made the kind of mistakes that make you want to tear your hair saying 3 squared is 3, or mixing up xs with ys, or saying r^4 * r = r^4, or forgetting the r when changing to polar coordinates (which he has warned us multiple times not to do)...or countless other stupid mistakes. So I'm a bit frustrated with myself, and currently am tearing my hair out about the 6th problem in a row that I've managed to screw up somehow...if it weren't for the back of the book though, I wouldn't even know that I was screwing up, which is the worst part of it all...I'm scared for this exam, even though I know I know the material, I still am scared because I'll probably fail it by making moronic mistakes like these and I won't have nearly enough time to pour over them and find all of my mistakes.
Other than that, I'm doing well I suppose, I know there are a lot of people out there who are actually going through real problems, not some stupid crap like I put myself through and then complain forever, like right now. But I have no idea how I can stop it (either the complaining or the feeling crappy over nothing), other than therapy, but that's just brainwash in my book and the only real solutions must come from within myself. Im just clueless as to where to look and know that noone can really help me besides by giving encouragement, which I would not expect because I am not a terribly good encourager myself.