Unusual things that make you go "WTF?!?!"

Jan 16, 2007 21:02

Here's something that really gets me.  Gas prices have been dropping nicely, returning to the $2.00 mark that we hadn't seen in a while.  On the way into work, I noted that my gas gauge was on empty.  The gas station by the off ramp was at $1.99, so I figured I'd fill up after work, and all would be well.  Off at 4:30, I cruise back over there, only to find that the price has gone up to $2.09.  Cursing the gas gods, I filled up, and drove away, only to find a gas station not even five minutes away, with the same brand gas, having their price at $1.96.  Sonofa...

So, here I've been the past few days, stressing over my inability to find aloe vera gel.  Now, you out there may be asking "Why is he looking for aloe vera gel?"  Well, I'll tell you.  Aloe vera gel has served as my aftershave / hair gel since college, when I picked up the habit from my college roommate.  I like the fact that the aloe vera doesn't give your hair that "bulletproof" hold that every other hair gel gives you, plus the good thought that I'm putting a natural, chemical-free  product in my hair, which is the one aspect of my physical appearance I am admittedly vain about.  I always buy this particular brand, Fruit of the Earth, which is 100% aloe gel, not the aloe vera / alcohol mix stuff that's more for sunburns.  So, I've been looking far and wide for another bottle of the stuff, since my current supply is out.

So, last week, while I still had a bit left, I looked at my local Target, but to no avail.  Not to be deterred, I recalled seeing my gel sold at CVS drugstores.  So, over the weekend, I made my way to a pair of nearby CVS stores, finding success at neither one, although one of them had travel-size bottles.  I rolled my eyes to the heavens, and wondered what to do.  I knew that the only other place I'd seen my gel sold at was the much-hated "Evil Empire of America", Wal-Mart.  Well, I personally have no issue with Wal-Mart.  My wife, on the other hand, abhors Wal-Mart, and gets quite angry with me if she discovers that I purchased something from them.  Personally, I see Wal-Mart as no different than say...  Cub or Walgreens.  A large, powerful retail chain that, through sheer size and capital, has forced its "Mom and Pop" competitors to fold.  Such is business.  I debated the merits of going over to Wal-Mart, but decided not to risk the wrath of my wife... yet.  So, off to Eden Prairie Mall, mainly to take care of a couple other errands, but also realizing that there's a Target Greatland there.  So, I completed my errands, and walked into Target, made my way to Health and Beauty, and to the Sun-Care aisle...  Nothing.  I grumbled to myself, calculating as to how I would cover up a trip to Wal-Mart.  I was about to turn away when, out of the corner of my eye, I notice a familiar bottle and blue cap.  I whirl back, and tucked back in the corner, almost buried behind some Banana Boat stuff, was one bottle of Fruit of the Earth 100% Aloe Vera gel.  I mentally jumped for joy, and grabbed the bottle before the goddess of Health and Beauty changed her mind.

Ahhhhh...  The joys of a successful hunt.  To quote Hannibal Smith, I love it when a plan comes together.
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