I'm planning on moving my LJ posting to
kate952, effective immediately. Since I'm not writing any more fanfic (though I do still read some), most -- if not all -- my HP friends are
kate952 flisters as well, and I have virtually nothing to do with/say about the HP-verse any more, I might as well use the RL LJ I created, right?
Of course, since LJ doesn't provide a way to migrate all the entries and comments from this account to another (unless one of my brilliant
flist knows some sooper sekrit way to do it), I won't be deleting this journal. There are so many lovely memories, friends, hugs and laughs in this LJ.
Feel free to friend me at
kate952, if you haven't already and are so inclined. If not, no hard feelings. ♥
ETA: Thoughts and prayers are with those of you who are dealing with Hurricane Ike. It rained like woah here early this morning, but we got off easy with only between 3 and 7 inches.