Jan 02, 2010 16:51
I nearly had a heart attack just now because I opened the door to my porch and there was a big black cat sitting there. Spooky returned from the grave!
I'm pretty sure Black Cat is one of a litter of ferals in the neighborhood over the summer; it's a pretty distinctive litter since unlike most of them, they're all black and white cats -- no orange tabbies. They're old enough to start prowling...
I think I'm going to start taking a more active role caretaking for the local ferals; the old man who lived here before me took care of them before he died, and I really ought to honor both his and my dead kitty's memory.
We've had several grey feral cats (including one semi-friendly one) and now these siblings make it a big bunch. They all hang out in my yard because of all the abandoned ancient houses and sheds right along the edge of the woods. Mostly they're just hungry, so I figure if I feed them, the local wildlife actually stands a better chance. My local humane society also has a TNR (trap-neuter-release) program, which I'm going to see if can trap and take in some of these -- particularly the siblings, as they still hang around together, and I imagine that's a population explosion waiting to happen. Plus, it could cut down on the potential fights.
Besides, the blue jays apparently love catfood, too. Heh.