Jan 29, 2005 19:05
I LOVE this new home office.
I am all set up. Well, I have some books to put away, some random files to file and I need to clean up the built in where I have been working and stashing my crap.
But my desks from the office are in. And my good chair. My big monitor and keyboard and mouse. My pens, my whiteborad. My scanner and printer and all my archinve disks and files. Sigh. I am happy happy happy.
Also there is a cat sitting next to me, purring, and M is sitting next to me coloring (I made a special place on on of the desks for her coloring books and crayons and stuff). It almost makes me sad to be moving. I love this office so much. It is right off the living room, separated by big french doors. It's crowded in here (jim has a desk in here too, and a bookshelf) but it's nice.
Funny though. I feel guilty messing around on the internet. Ha. I guess I'll have to un-plug the lap top and take it into the 94 when I want to surf the web or play WoW.
Ok. Now Morganne:
bye 4¨ ¨£