Jan 24, 2005 07:21
Yesterday I took advantage of the relatively warm weather and sunshine to clean out my car. I haven't done that since...well since before thanksgiving and it was getting to be a pit. Anyway, after removing all the trash, toys, books assorted notes and homework assignments and unopened mail, I discovered an underlying layer of old french fries, m&m's and animal crackers.
It's sposed to be sunny this week, so I figgured why not run it though the car wash and vacume it out there? It's WAY to muddy in our driveway to haul the vacume out there.
So I loaded up Kayla and Morganne (they like the carwash, Stephen stayed home to play WoW, and Jim was napping). We got the car all vacuumed and then headed into one of the stalls...the automatic wash had a line a mile long, and on the last trip, Kayla and I had discovered how fun those hand wash things are. Anyway, we got a stall and I turned the car off and we started washing, each of us taking a turn per cycle. Once it was all rinsed I went to start the car...nothing.
There where two people in line for our spot by this time, my car was stuck in Park, so I couldn't push it, and oh yeah, I had left my cell at home...because really. I was Just going to the Car wash!
So we left the car there (with some guy in a Jeep hurling curse words at me) at walked next door to McDonalds, where I tried to call Jim. Except that he was STILL asleep. And since Stephen didn't recognize the number on the caller ID, he wouldn't answer it. I called Bev, Jim's mom and told her the situation and asked her to keep calling Jim every few minutes till he woke up, and tell him where I was. Kayla I an figured we only had at most a couple hours to wait...It was 4:30 when we left and it was 6 now...Jim would wake up at SOME POINT and wonder where in the hell we where. I got us each fries and a soda and just as we where finishing Jim pulled up. He had woken up and answered on the second call from Bev.
We went back to the carwash, and Jim explained to me that my battery was dead, and jumped it (I had the radio and the lights on while we where washing). I felt kind of dumb. Because I HAD the cables in my trunk. I could have gotten SOMEONE there to help me, and not bothered Jim. But oh well.
I am most proud of my self because this is the type of thing that pushes me over into a total panic attach and I didn't even Cry ONCE. I handled it with grace and good humor and I kept Kayla and M happy and entertained. OH! and M was in Panties and she was dry the whole time!