closed: andromeda and thomas › seventh year boys dormitory

Sep 14, 2009 21:41

Who: Andromeda Black, Thomas Nott
Where: 7th year boys' dormitory
When: November '76, post-Death Eater meeting
What: Thomas uses Andi's cat as a not-completely-pathetic excuse to see her after being summoned by Voldemort for a meeting.

Thomas was stretched out across his bed with Andromeda's tiny orange kitten curled up into a ball on his stomach, purring as he stroked her fur. He wasn't usually one for animals, really, but this one had taken a liking to him (and his pillow) recently and Thomas found that he welcomed the company.

Less than an hour ago, he had been standing among his fellow Death Eaters watching a woman be tortured to death by a man he was sure he was supposed to recognize but couldn't quite place. His stomach had twisted and turned uncomfortably during the "demonstration" and he could still hear the loud crack of her bones in the silence...

The moment Thomas returned to the castle, he started trying to think of the many excuses he could use to entice Andromeda into coming by the dorm just so he could see her for a moment or two and see for himself that she was fine. He realized there was something different about seeing someone be tortured when you're in a relationship. You think about the victim a bit more, wonder if she's got a boyfriend or a husband or children. He had to admit that he had to blink a few times and shut down part of his mind to stop replacing the woman's face with Andromeda's, to stop imagining what it would feel like for him if it was her being put through that.

Part of him wished he could just be honest with her and tell her how he felt, who he really was, and ask her to accept him anyway... but deep down he wasn't quite sure she would ever be able to look at him the same if she knew. She was too sweet, too open-minded about associating with Muggleborns to accept him as one of those monsters that cut a woman into pieces and sent them to her coworkers as gifts. There was no way he could just say, "I just watched a woman die, thought about how I had to perform a similar task over the previous summer, and now I'm doing everything in my power to stop myself from finally admitting that I made a life-changing decision far too young and I have to follow through or be killed."

So, when he entered the room and saw Pumpkin sleeping on his pillow, he knew he'd found the perfect reason to ask her to just stop by. And now he waited, scratching behind the kitten's ears as he waited for her to come through the door of the boys' dormitory.
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