Greetings :D!
Name Yena
Age 18
Location Virginia
Sex Female, though a lot of people think i'm a guy LOL!
Favorite Power Ranger Yellow ranger/Trini ♥
Main reason for loving MMPR Well, I've watched it when it first came out...don't remember how old i was :D but i was pretty little then. The show was excellent and I was glued to the TV...watching the power rangers kick major butt, me cheering them on (of course my parents laughed at me xD but oh well), and WHOOT JUSTICE! YEAH! lol...let's say :D i love them.
Favorite episode I can't say, I haven't watched the episodes for a long while now :/ but I found them on T__T so I don't have a favourite episode to put down...
Favorite villianxD None...
Got any cool Power Ranger stuff? If not.. pictures of yourself will do. I used to have an old power ranger pink costume (i still to this very day don't know why i wore the pink one instead of the yellow one) but, my parents trashed it a long time ago. LOL. Anyway, I'll just post a pic of myself :D
xD anyone know any good places/sites where they make power ranger costumes for adults? I want to cosplay as the yellow ranger at an anime convention next year :D since power rangers originated from japan and all ^-^; anyone?